Journalist Charlie McAllister watches the New Alliance reveal itself on live TV and can’t believe her eyes; one of the shifters looks so familiar… Surely not James, her childhood neighbour and crush who disappeared on her after theri first and only kiss? The void he left behind still aches. Still, she vows to track him down for an exclusive interview…
After months of preparations, the New Alliance is ready to reveal itself in a spectacular fashion. James Finch joins his comrades and exposes his true nature in front of the world media. He was prepared for some fall-out but finds himself in a bind when he is reunited with ‘the one that got away’.
When Charlie McAllister switches on the TV after a trying day working at the Edinburgh Herald, the last thing she expects to see is her former flame, James. As she watches him transform into a bear, she has two realizations. This must be why he dumped her so many years ago, and, finally she has a chance to bag a real story and make a name for herself.
Surely, with James’s true nature revealed, nothing stands in the way of their second chance at happiness, right? Wrong. You don’t just expose an ancient secret without rubbing a lot of folk the wrong way. Now, James and everyone close to him have targets on their backs.
This paranormal romance novella is the sixth and final installment of the Scottish Werebear series. For the best experience, readers are advised to read the series in order.